Ok, here we are, just us the fab four sharing our lifes fun with you xxx

Ok, here we are, just us the fab four sharing our lifes fun with you xxx

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Morning at Nan and Pops - Mum escaped alone wahoo !

Really cool morning-
Image one: Hello Sunrise
5:30am 1.8 km run: thinking whilst running, I actually really like running, of course I like it better when totally fit and you can do it without having a heart attack lol but to be thinking that whilst running means I must be getting fitness back !
Image Two: Proud of myself Moments
The nasty hill inwhich I would have normally chosen the easier route back and bypassed it, but went nope lets take that hill and just do it - so proud of myself making that choice.
Second proud moment that when I got to the top I went - seriously didnt even raise a puff - Im AWESOME!! Hill 0 Lisa 1 - me the winner !!!
Image Three: the view from my hill climb, lovely ;o)
Image Four: Third proud moment - well that the first hill was easy best keep going and do the bigger longer one !!! - Smashed it too !!! feeling good !!!
Luckiness Moment: on the way back a few Lorikeet's zoomed passed and two did flying poops right at me, I jumped and missed it - um that must be EXTRA lucky I think, cause isnt getting pooped on lucky ??? well split second dodging one with speedy moves must be even luckier as there is no poop to clean up lol at that point I wished I had someone to high five and laugh with as it was hilarious - probably looked funny too lmao
Then home for cuddles with the gals and Nannys mushroom and egg Ommlette, yummo !!!
Great start to the day, hope yours is too !!!

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